Tagged with: css
New website look
Would you look at that?! I just launched my new website design. It’s a somewhat soft launch because I’ve got more things planned. I went down a giant rabbit hole to reach this point, so I thought I would commemorate it with a post. It feels good to kick this out the door.Using PurgeCSS with Rails
We leverage CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind in our applications, but we likely won't use *all* elements from the framework. This means that we’re serving larger CSS files than we need to. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way only to include theBootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet
Get your Bootstrap 4 documentation faster!
This got posted on Hacker News the other day. It’s fantastic. It’s much quicker and cleaner than Bootstrap’s documentation. It’s not going to be as verbose, but if you’ve been using Bootstrap for a while and you just need the syntax, it’s lightning fast.
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My blog primarily contains writings about my work on computers, but I occasionally mix in fun life stuff. I am, at best, a mediocre writer, but I like doing my part to give back to the community. Feel free to contact me if you have specific something to chat about. See you around!