Cleaning up figures in Action Text

Action Text and Trix are great and give you an immense amount of power right out of the box. That being said, I didn’t like a bit of the styling for both the presentation of the figure to the user and in the editor. So let’s fix it!

  • You’re using Bootstrap 4
  • You’re starting from a fresh install of Action Text
  • ...

Customizing the Trix toolbar

I recently added the Trix Editor to a Rails app I was working on and quickly found that I was going to need to do some modifications to the toolbar buttons. Out of the box, Trix only gives you an h1 button for creating headers and the site I was building was already populating an h1 tag via a separate field. Therefore,...

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My blog primarily contains writings about my work on computers, but I occasionally mix in fun life stuff. I am, at best, a mediocre writer, but I like doing my part to give back to the community. Feel free to contact me if you have specific something to chat about. See you around!