Shed behind some grass.

Quarantine shed project

Being stuck in our homes has resulted in less time in front of the computer and more time tinkering around the house. I can’t say I saw a global pandemic coming, but a year ago I started rebuilding a section of our yard in preparation for a shed. I guess now is as good a time as any to finish out the project.

The p...

Deleting Facebook

I deleted Facebook for good a few weeks back. With the #DeleteFacebook hashtag trending and looming figures like Woz deciding to leave I figured I’d add my two cents.

Leaving Facebook is a two part story.

For years I have been absent from Facebook. I truly mean I didn’t get on. I used to only get on around my bir...

Completing our move to Seattle

We started our move to Seattle from Salt Lake City in November of 2015 and are now days away from completing that journey as we move into our new-to-us house. The Seattle housing market is insane and we knew we were going to get killed. Moving here 10 years ago would have been a smarter idea.

We rented an apartment wh...

About These Posts

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My blog primarily contains writings about my work on computers, but I occasionally mix in fun life stuff. I am, at best, a mediocre writer, but I like doing my part to give back to the community. Feel free to contact me if you have specific something to chat about. See you around!